Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just keep swimming...

So, I'm at a point in my trip where all the fun and excitement that comes from the unfamiliar has drained and I'm left with a choice. Do I keep going, or do I give up. Obviously, I'm going to keep going because it is God's will, but I need prayer. I'm physically exhausted and emotionally feel like a whirlwind on the inside. I am learning to be patient and faithful as I continue to work here.
Physically, I am worn out...mostly because the girls at the orphanage think I am a jungle gym and they are not all small. I mean, I do have a blast playing with them, but right now as I type, I am hunched over the computer because I can barely sit up straight. However, I trust that God will give me the strength I need to get out of the bed tomorrow. He has been all week.
Emotionally, I am drained. I love it here, I really do. I know I'm going to come back, but right now, i feel like crawling back home. Pray for me that God will give me a new love for the people here, because His love is the only thing that can give me strength.
The events of the last few days have been crazy yet fun. We had a fourth of July party behind the coffee house. It was fun because we invited all of the staff at the orphanage and coffee house to it. Janet and I taught the girls how to play American football and it was awesome.
Yesterday, I didn't go play with the girls. Janet did while AJ and I did yard work. we trimmed bushes with oldfashioned shears FOREVER. My wrist were so swollen this morning that I couldn't move them. After doing yard work, we came back for lunch. Speaking of food, it just keeps getting better. Maybe, I'm getting used to it or maybe Buna has just been saving the best for last, but I've liked almost everything I've been given recently.
Anyways, things here are moving and I really am having fun. I know I'll get through this because the One who sent me here has equiped me to be here. Thanks to all of you who have supported me in prayer. that's really the only thing that can help me on the other side of the world. I love you all and can't wait to see what God has in store for me.


  1. Your entire family is praying for you right now. I am praying for God to grant you a restful night sleep right now. To wake you in the morning and you know that you have been prayed for. To retore your body with strength.
    Love you my son!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I met you on the plane and am just now getting around looking up your site. Today I was listening to the sermon I downloaded from my preacher back home and he said that regardless of what kind of difficult circumstances we experience, our wholehearted focus should be on how to use the experience to benefit our spiritual growth i.e. how God wants to grow our hearts closer to him through the experience

  4. He also mentioned Bono who said that in order to reach up to heaven we need to fall to our knees. Meaning that in our times of stress, failure or difficulty, we are keenly aware of our inability to thrive without God. Those are the times we really feel our dependence on Him, which is good for us!! So i commend these thoughts to you as encouragement in your important work
