Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wait for it, Wait for it...First Class!!!

So, I'm finally posting my first blog from Romania. On my last post I said I'd be leaving thursday and get there some time Friday. Well, things didn't exactly go as planned. At all really. Thursday morning, I woke up and got finished packing and with the whole family, went to the airport. Along the way we met up with Janet Brock, another short-term missionary to Romania. After our families ate lunch together we made it to the airport. There we found out that our first flight had been delayed 45 minutes. "No big deal" we thought, because we already had a two hour lay-over in New York. Well we boarded the plane around 3:15 and waited. Then the pilot came over the intercom and told us that there was weather delys and that JFK in New York didn't want us to take off yet, so we waited. And waited. And waited. Three hours later, we finally took off. Needless to say, we missed our connecting flight. So once we finally got off of the plane, we went inside and found the desk for rebooking flights and went to the end of the line and waited once more. Two hours later, we reached the fron of the line and went to check on our flights. When we reached the counter, we found out that our flights had been automatically rebooked. The funny thing was that Janet and I had been put on different flights. She had been booked on a flight in economy class to Amsterdam with a connecting flight to Budapest. I, however, had been booked in first class straight to Budapest. Lucky for us, the lady at the desk thought quickly and called to have Janet's flight changed to the same as mine. The whole process was quite hilarious though because in order for Janet's ticket to be changed to first class the lady had to tell the people on the phone that Janet and I were married! So apparently, I'm married to Janet now.
After we got our flights rebooked, we still had to wait until the following day so we did what tough people do...find a quiet corner and sleep. We camped out at gate 11 until the next day and after a sleepless night managed to stumble around until we reached our gate and boarded the plane. From that point out, our trip was awesome. In first class, each seat is more of a matress/recliner than a seat. The food was okay, but I guess it just wasn't my thing. It was way to fancy for me with food that was better to look at than eat. But other than that, it was incredible. Especially after sleeping on the airport floor! Once we landed in Budapest, two men picked us up and drove us the rest of the way to Beius, Romania. We arrived at the compound and there I met the Lucaciu family that own and operate the medical mission. Finally we had reached our destination. We hung out with them in their house for a long time and ended up staying and watching USA play in the World Cup. Then we went over to the compound, which is attached to their home, and went to sleep. it felt so good to be sleeping in a bed!
Then, this morning we got up and went to church, where we sat through the service, which was fun even though I couldn't understand any of it.After the service, we met with the pastor, whose name was actually Elijah. We eventually came back to the compoud for lunce before taking another nap to help adjust us to the current time zone, which is 7 hours ahead. Then we got up and walked over to the orphanage with two of Peter and Anna's children, Andrea and A.J. We were planning on getting the 8 girls there and going to play soccer, once we got ther, we realized that they had already left for evening church. So, we went back to the compound and waited on church to get out and then went back to the orphanage where we played soccer in the back yard. Now I'm back at the compound and ready to fall asleep, so goodbye until next time!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hey everybody! I'm almost packed up and ready to go. My flight leaves at 3:00 tomorrow out of Atlanta where I will be flying to New York from. Once in New York, I should have a bit of a layover and then I'm off to the other side of the world! I fly into Budapest, Hungary many hours later and then all that's left is a six hour car ride over to Beius, Romania.
Please keep me in your prayers as I travel and serve the Lord overseas.
I'll keep this blog updated as I have internet access.